Exploratory text analysis

Visually representing the content of a text document is one of the most important tasks in the field of text mining (also called exploratory text analysis). As a data scientist or NLP specialist, we not only explore the content of documents from different aspects and at different levels of detail, but we also summarize a single document, show words and topics, detect events and create scenarios .

However, there are discrepancies between the data visualization unstructured (text) and structured data. For example, many text visualizations don't represent the text directly, they represent an output of a language model (word count, character length, word sequences, etc.).

In this article, we will use the Womens Clothing E-Commerce Reviews dataset and try to explore and visualize as much as possible, using Plotly's Python graphics library and Bokeh visualization library. Not only will we explore textual data, but we will also visualize numerical and categorical features. 

exploratory text analysis

After a brief inspection of the data, we found that there are a series of data pre-processing that we need to perform.

Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

Delete the "Title" function.
Delete the lines where "Review Text" was missing.
Clean up the "Revision Text" column.
Using TextBlob to calculate sentiment polarity which is in the range of [-1,1] where 1 means positive sentiment and -1 means negative sentiment.
Create a new feature for the duration of the exam.
Create a new feature for the exam word count.

To preview if the sentiment polarity score is working, we randomly select 5 reviews with the highest sentiment polarity score (1):

print('5 random reviews with the highest positive sentiment polarity: \n')
cl = df.loc[df.polarity == 1, ['Review Text']].sample(5).values
for c in cl:
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

Then randomly select 5 reviews with the most neutral sentiment polarity score (zero):

print('5 random reviews with the most neutral sentiment(zero) polarity: \n')
cl = df.loc[df.polarity == 0, ['Review Text']].sample(5).values
for c in cl:
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

There were only 2 reviews with the most negative sentiment polarity score:

print('2 reviews with the most negative polarity: \n')
cl = df.loc[df.polarity == -0.97500000000000009, ['Review Text']].sample(2).values
for c in cl:
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

It seems to work

Univariate visualization

Single-variable or univariate visualization is the simplest type of visualization that consists of observations on a single feature or attribute. The univariate visualization includes a histogram, bar charts, and line graphs.

Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

The vast majority of sentiment polarity scores are above zero, which means that most of them are quite positive.

Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

The notes are aligned to the polarity score, i.e. most of the notes are quite high at 4 or 5 ranges.

It is possible to do the same with the age of the reviewers, the number of characters per review and the number of words per review but this is not the heart of this tutorial.


The n-grams

Now we come to the feature we are interested in, before exploring this feature, we need to extract the N-Gram features. N-grams are used to describe the number of words used as observation points, for example, unigram means a single word, bigram means a 2-word sentence, and trigram means a 3-word sentence. To do this, we use the CountVectorizer function from scikit-learn.

To do unigram analysis, it is very important to clean the text of stopwords.

 def get_top_n_words(corpus, not=None):
 with = CountVectorizer(stop_words = 'english').fit(corpus)
 bag_of_words = with.transform(corpus)
 sum_words = bag_of_words.sum(axis=0)
 words_freq = [(word, sum_words[0, idx]) for word, idx in with.vocabulary_.items()]
 words_freq =sorted(words_freq, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
 return words_freq[:not]
 common_words = get_top_n_words(df['Review Text'], 20)
 for word, frequency in common_words:
 print(word, frequency)
 df2 = pd.DataFrame(common_words, columns = ['ReviewText' , 'count'])
 kind='bar', yTitle='Count', linecolor=black, title='Top 20 words in review after removing stop words')
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis
Let's do the same to study the bigrams.
 def get_top_n_bigram(corpus, not=None):
 with = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(2, 2), stop_words='english').fit(corpus)
 bag_of_words = with.transform(corpus)
 sum_words = bag_of_words.sum(axis=0)
 words_freq = [(word, sum_words[0, idx]) for word, idx in with.vocabulary_.items()]
 words_freq =sorted(words_freq, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
 return words_freq[:not]
 common_words = get_top_n_bigram(df['Review Text'], 20)
 for word, frequency in common_words:
 print(word, frequency)
 df4 = pd.DataFrame(common_words, columns = ['ReviewText' , 'count'])
 kind='bar', yTitle='Count', linecolor=black, title='Top 20 bigrams in review after removing stop words')
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis
And so on.


Part-Of-Speech Tagging (POS) is a process of assigning parts of speech to each word, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.

blob = TextBlob(str(df['Review Text']))
 pos_df = pd.DataFrame(blob.tags, columns = ['word' , 'pos'])
 pos_df = pos_df.pos.value_counts()[:20]
 title='Top 20 Part-of-speech tagging for review corpus')
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

Analysis by class

The boxplot is used to compare sentiment polarity score, rating, review text length of each department or division of the e-commerce store.

The highest sentiment polarity score was achieved by all six departments except the Trending department, and the lowest sentiment polarity score was achieved by the Tops department. And the Trend department has the lowest median polarity score. If you recall, the Trend department has the least reviews. This explains why it does not have as wide a variety of score distribution as other departments.

Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

With the exception of the Trending department, the median rating for all other departments was 5. Overall, the ratings are high and the sentiment is positive in this review dataset.

Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

And so on.

Bivariate analysis

Bivariate visualization is a type of visualization that consists of two characteristics at once. It describes the association or relationship between two characteristics.

Let's look at sentiment analysis based on whether or not the person recommends the product.

x1 = df.loc[df['Recommended IND'] == 1, 'polarity']
 x0 = df.loc[df['Recommended IND'] == 0, 'polarity']
 trace1 = go.Histogram(
 x=x0, name='Not recommended',
 trace2 = go.Histogram(
 x=x1, name = 'Recommended',
 data = [trace1, trace2]
 layout = go.Layout(bartender='overlay', title='Distribution of Sentiment polarity of reviews based on Recommendation')
 fig = go.figure(data=data, layout=layout)
 iplot(fig, filename='overlaid histogram')
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis
It is also possible to represent the sentiment analysis and the rating on a density 2Dplot (it is not interesting to do this for binary variables).
trace1 = go.Scatter(
 x=df['polarity'], y=df['Rating'], fashion='markers', name='points',
 marker=say(color='rgb(102,0,0)', size=2, opacity=0.4)
 trace2 = go.Histogram2dContour(
 x=df['polarity'], y=df['Rating'], name='density', contours=20,
 color scale='Hot', reversescale=True, showscale=False
 trace3 = go.Histogram(
 x=df['polarity'], name='Sentiment polarity density',
 trace4 = go.Histogram(
 y=df['Rating'], name='Rating density', marker=say(color='rgb(102,0,0)'),
 data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]
 layout = go.Layout(
 auto size=False,
 domain=[0, 0.85],
 domain=[0, 0.85],
 domain=[0.85, 1],
 domain=[0.85, 1],
 fig = go.figure(data=data, layout=layout)
 iplot(fig, filename='2dhistogram-2d-density-plot-subplots')
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

Content modeling

Finally, we want to explore the topic modeling algorithm for this dataset, to see if it would provide benefits and fit with what we are doing for our review text functionality.

We will experiment with the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) technique in topic modeling.

  • Generating our document term matrix from review text to a TF-IDF feature matrix.
  • The LSA model replaces the raw counts in the document term matrix with a TF-IDF score.
  • Perform dimensionality reduction on the document term matrix using a truncated SVD.
  • Since the number of departments is 6, we set n_topics=6.
  • Taking the argmax of each review text in this topic array will yield the predicted topics of each review text in the data. We can then sort them by number of each subject.
  • To better understand each subject, we will find the three most frequent words in each subject.
reindexed_data = df['Review Text']
 tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True)
 reindexed_data = reindexed_data.values
 document_term_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(reindexed_data)
 n_topics = 6
 lsa_model = TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_topics)
 lsa_topic_matrix = lsa_model.fit_transform(document_term_matrix)
 def get_keys(topic_matrix):
  returns an integer list of predicted topic
  categories for a given topic matrix
 keys = topic_matrix.argmax(axis=1).list()
 return keys
 def keys_to_counts(keys):
  returns a tuple of topic categories and their
  accompanying magnitudes for a given list of keys
 count_pairs = Counter(keys).items()
 categories = [peer[0] for peer in count_pairs]
 counts = [peer[1] for peer in count_pairs]
 return (categories, counts)
 lsa_keys = get_keys(lsa_topic_matrix)
 lsa_categories, lsa_counts = keys_to_counts(lsa_keys)
 def get_top_n_words(not, keys, document_term_matrix, tfidf_vectorizer):
  returns a list of n_topic strings, where each string contains the n most common
  words in a predicted category, in order
 top_word_indices = []
 for thread in tidy(n_topics):
 temp_vector_sum = 0
 for i in tidy(then(keys)):
 yew keys[i] == thread:
 temp_vector_sum += document_term_matrix[i]
 temp_vector_sum = temp_vector_sum.toarray()
 top_n_word_indices = n.p..flip(n.p..argsort(temp_vector_sum)[0][not:],0)
 top_words = []
 for thread in top_word_indices:
 topic_words = []
 for index in thread:
 temp_word_vector = n.p..zeros((1,document_term_matrix.shape[1]))
 temp_word_vector[:,index] = 1
 the_word = tfidf_vectorizer.inverse_transform(temp_word_vector)[0][0]
 top_words.append( » « .join(topic_words))
 return top_words
 top_n_words_lsa = get_top_n_words(3, lsa_keys, document_term_matrix, tfidf_vectorizer)
 for i in tidy(then(top_n_words_lsa)):
 print("Topic{}:" .format(i+1), top_n_words_lsa[i])
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis
top_3_words = get_top_n_words(3, lsa_keys, document_term_matrix, tfidf_vectorizer)
labels = ['Topic {}: \n'.format(i) + top_3_words[i] for i in lsa_categories]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))
ax.bar(lsa_categories, lsa_counts);
ax.set_ylabel('Number of review text');
ax.set_title('LSA topic counts');
plt. show();
Exploratory text analysis exploratory text analysis

Looking at the most frequent words in each subject, we have the feeling that we may not achieve any degree of separation between subject categories. In other words, we could not separate exam texts by department using topic modeling techniques.

Thematic modeling techniques have a number of important limitations. To begin with, the term “topic” is somewhat ambiguous, and it is perhaps now clear that topic models will not produce a highly nuanced text classification for our data.