Ope. Res. : Graph theory

Graph theory course

This course presents some graph theory algorithms like spanning trees, shortest path problems and flow problems.

graph theory course

🔗 project 1🔗 project 2🔗 SYLLABUSMARKS
Session / TimelineTutorial / Oral examIdea / ConceptVideo
nonenone🔗 Decision making / motivation 
1🔗 Tutorial 1Complexity 
     → 🔗 Big oh notation🔗
     → 🔗 Termination and correctness🔗
2🔗 Tutorial 2Graph theory's basics 
     → 🔗 A / directed graph 
     → Degree 
     → Path / cycle 
     → Complete graph🔗
     → Subgraph 
     → 🔗 Tree 
3🔗 Tutorial 3     → 🔗 Eulerian circuit🔗
     → Hamiltonian circuit🔗
     → 🔗 Graph coloring🔗
4🔗 Tutorial 4Spanning tree 
     → 🔗 Kruskal's algorithm🔗
     → Prim's algorithm🔗
End of project 1how to solve:🔗
5 & 6🔗 Tutorial 5Shortest path problem 
     → 🔗 Linear program🔗
     → Dynamic program🔗
     → 🔗 Dijkstra's algorithm🔗
     → 🔗 DAG algorithm🔗
     → 🔗 Bellman-Ford's algorithm🔗
     → 🔗 Floyd-Warshall's algorithm🔗
how to solve:🔗
7 & 8🔗 Tutorial 6Flow problem 
     → 🔗 Max flow problem🔗
     → Flows and cut˄
     → Augmenting path˄
     → Min cut problem˄
     → 🔗 Ford-Fulkerson's algorithm🔗
how to solve:🔗
9 & 10🔗 Tutorial 7Transportation problem 
     → 🔗 Definition and special cases🔗
     → Initial solution🔗
     → 🔗 Stepping stone algorithm 
     → Degeneracy 
End of project 2how to solve:🔗
Introduction to Algorithms: Cormen, T and Leiserson, C
The Algorithm Design Manual: Steven S. Skiena
Electric Power System Applications of Optimization, Second Edition: James A. Momoh