Smart Grid: Demand management

Demand management

Demand Management Course. Introduction to language theory and to Markovian processes of type markov chain of rank 1.

Demand management

🔗 project 1🔗 project 2 🔗 NOTES
Session / TimelineTutorial / Oral examIdea / ConceptVideo
nonenone🔗 Motivation 
1 & 2🔗 TD 1Automaton 
     → 🔗 Introduction to languages 
     → 🔗 Regular expressions🔗
     → 🔗 Deterministic finite automaton🔗
     → 🔗Indeterministic finite automaton🔗
     → 🔗 Finite automaton ε-indeterministic🔗
     → 🔗 Thompson's construction🔗
     → 🔗 Construction of Gloushkov 
     → 🔗 Lemma of Arden🔗
     → 🔗 Brzozowski and McCluskey 
3 & 4🔗 TD 2Automaton reduction 
     → 🔗 Types of grammars 
     → 🔗 Deterministic finite automaton 
     → 🔗 Indeterministic finite automaton 
     → 🔗 Finite automaton ε-indeterministic 
     → 🔗 Determination of an NFA🔗
     → 🔗 Determinization of an ε-NFA🔗
     → 🔗 Minimization of an AFD 
5🔗 TD 3Battery operated automaton 
     → 🔗 Introduction to battery-powered PLCs🔗
End of project 1 🔗
6 & 7🔗 TD4Discrete time markov chain 
     → 🔗 Stochastic process🔗
     → 🔗 Definition of states
     → Definition of classes
     → 🔗 Stationary probability🔗
     → Period 
     → 🔗 Time to reach a state🔗
     → Back🔗
     → 🔗 Absorption 
8🔗 TD5Continuous-time markov chain 
     → 🔗 General 
     → 🔗 Permanent regime 
     → 🔗 Poisson process 
     → 🔗 Queue🔗
     → 🔗 File M / M / 1🔗
End of project 2 
Introduction to Algorithms: Cormen, T and Leiserson, C
The Algorithm Design Manual: Steven S. Skiena
Electric Power System Applications of Optimization, Second Edition: James A. Momoh